WYPR’s Midday with Tom Hall

I’ll be on WYPR’s Midday with Tom Hall tomorrow, 9/14/22, 12 to 1, talking about The Science of Babies. It’s an interview and call-in format. I’ll be talking about how parents can invite, interpret, and lean into young children’s questions about their origins. Debbie Roffman

Permanent link to this article: https://sexandsensibility.net/wyprs-midday-with-tom-hall/

Guerrilla Sex Ed: Sex Educator Spotlight

Sex educator spotlight

Check out my interview in the Sex Educator Spotlight at Guerrilla Sex Ed. (May 24, 2022 by Steph Auteri)

An excerpt from the interview:

We’re kidding ourselves if we think that we can continue, as we have done forever, to abdicate around the needs of young children. What we’re doing is not just creating cognitive deficits for our kids, but we are actually disabling their ability to think, and to think critically about human sexuality. Across the country, schools are three to seven years late teaching basic benchmarks of information, even about human reproduction.

Permanent link to this article: https://sexandsensibility.net/guerrilla-sex-ed-sex-educator-spotlight/

The Science of Babies

The Science of Babies has proven so popular that it is going into a second printing! 

Download the latest press release here.

The Science of Babies can be purchased at bookstores, or ordered from Amazon or from Barnes & Noble.

For more information, visit:

For media inquiries, contact:
Edouard Sitbon – Publisher
+1 (778) 986 7224

Permanent link to this article: https://sexandsensibility.net/the-science-of-babies-2/

Science of Babies selected as a Kickstarter “Project We Love”

Debbie Roffman’s The Science of Babies, currently available for pre-order at Kickstarter (through September 24), was selected by Kickstarter as a “Project We Love.”

Permanent link to this article: https://sexandsensibility.net/science-of-babies-selected-as-a-kickstarter-project-we-love/

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